
Angular2 wavesurfer
Angular2 wavesurfer

angular2 wavesurfer

Obviously, the load() method doesn't anycodings_javascript load/render the actual wave in the anycodings_javascript WaveSurfer canvas, and throws that error. various importsĬonsole.log(, ) // is the correct path, and should work correctly: "././demo.wav".Ĭonsole.log("There it happens!", ) Ĭontainer: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.waveref), This is the row of the react-error-overlay anycodings_javascript that causes the error directly, in anycodings_javascript /node_modules/react-error-overlay/index.js:1582, anycodings_javascript but it's obfuscated. The second anycodings_javascript error, DOMException, is directly caused by anycodings_javascript the first, and they everytime are throwed anycodings_javascript together. That's just an anycodings_javascript error without stack trace in a obfuscated anycodings_javascript function in react-error-overlay. This is the error in question and by itself anycodings_javascript it doesn't mean nothing. This error is throwed after the load(), and anycodings_javascript after the error, it's logged in console anycodings_javascript "There it happens!" and the wave property of anycodings_javascript the state, as it should be. So, I anycodings_javascript just made a component of mine.Īs you can see in the code below, it all anycodings_javascript works perfectly, the WaveSurfer object is anycodings_javascript generated correctly in the anycodings_javascript componentDidMount() but then, all of sudden, anycodings_javascript in the load() method, there's an error I anycodings_javascript can't understand correctly. I'm already anycodings_javascript experienced with it, without React. I know that for version 1 there anycodings_javascript was a library called react-wavesurfer, but I anycodings_javascript really want to do it with v2. I'm trying to use WaveSurfer.js(version 2) anycodings_javascript with React.

Angular2 wavesurfer